An Independent Creative Studio

Sharing our story, our values and our creativity through the world of COSU.

passionate about making art through premium toys.

Growing up we knew that the two of us would eventually work together. Having spent our childhood bonding over TV shows, comics, games, and family trips, we grew accustomed to cherishing the stories we shared.

More than anything, we enjoyed building things together, whether it be a collection, or a project - we were always up to something. As we've come to establish careers of our own, we thought that it would be the perfect opportunity for us to combine our unique skill sets and build something to share with you! A brand that we always wanted as consumers. Stories that represented our reality growing up online, and that could encourage people to look deeper at their own lifestyle.

We believe that work comes down to fulfillment, and that you'll work ten times harder if you believe that you're building towards your dream. Starting with COSU, we've dared to chase this dream together. To tell stories, to help our community express more, and to contribute to the larger dialogue around pop culture and how we consume.

Let's take the opportunity together and live a life worth tuning into.